Area 51 Jams

Sunday 6 August 2017

[Week 5] : Eris Asia ; Just another like us

Today, we were given a task to come up with a persona that best describes those of our group. For this, we came up with a simple character who is highly relatable to ourselves.

Her name is Eris Asia. An obvious name that relates to our race. Just like me and my peers, she is a student in the foundation of Creative Multimedia. Just like us, she holds a similar interest which is related to the creative field.

Typically, her goals is to be a very successful person, I mean, who doesn't? Unlike the most of us, She is a bit Mary Sue as she represents a very good student. Also, she bares a perfect image as her ideal future is one of peace and equality. In other words, Eris Asia is your typical Miss Goodie Two Shoes.

However, as pure as Eris is, the internet might change what and who she is. It may be good for her. It may even be bad for her.

Positively, Eris is able to enhance her knowledge and skills through the Internet. From platforms such as Deviantart, Instagram, and Pinterest, she is able to be inspired by the other works shared by artists all over the world. Other than that, from the other artists online, she is able to receive constructive criticism and improve herself from the content and artworks she shares online. Also, by reaching a huge audience, she can promote and sell her works worldwide.

On the negative side, nothing on the internet is particularly filtered. Everything of anything posted on the internet stays on it. Including the hateful comments Eris might receive from senseless users. But why would she receive such things? Because on the Internet, everything is a minefield. One wrong step and she will get called out. She could even get called out for being who she is...Why? Because nobody can please the social standards. Not only that is the case, through the internet, her works can be stolen and will get her hardwork unaccredited for.

In the end, the Internet has it's pros and cons regardless of our age and gender. Because the Internet is one of Media's largest Influences. It's up to us to let it affect our lives. We can cut ourselves off of it but It will just cut ourselves off of the world at the same time. So what can we do?


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