Area 51 Jams

Saturday 12 August 2017

[Week 6] : Media and Society; Brainwashing or Helping?

Digital media plays a huge role upon our society. It is a platform in which we cannot keep ourselves away from. Why? Because once you get rid of media from your life, you also cut out a part of the world from your life.

Media interacts and speaks to people in many different ways. This is where media theories come to relate. Media can influence people to do and think about things without giving an obvious approach. Basically, media slowly hypnotizes individual in a single society.

There are multiple theories showing how media is spread throughout our community. 

The Bullet Theory

This is also known as the Hypodermic Needle. This theory has proven that media is able to control, mesmerize and brainwash their audiences. This theory can be taken in both good and bad way. This method was used during the first world war in which the Britain Ministry of Information created various propaganda to raise morale and support. The same method was also used by the Germans and Russians as a form or persuasion. This type of media is explained as using the hypodermic Needle ( also known as the magic bullet). This study showed that media influence is highly rooted into behaviorism, which can be viewed in Pavlov's experimentation where the dogs were taught to salivate at the ring of a bell. This theory is applied to the mass audience who are seen as the passive reciepents of  

Lasswell's Theory

Harold Dwight Lasswell, American political scientist stated that the most effective way of communication is by answering the following;

-Says what
-In which Channel
-To whom
-With what effect?

According to Lasswell, there are three functions of communication:

1. Environmental Surveillance
2. Correlation of components of society
3. Cultural transmission between generation

Lasswell model suggests the message flow in a multicultural society with multiple audiences. The flow of message is through various channels. And also this communication model is similar to Aristotle’s communication model.

In this model, the communication component who refers the research area called “Control Analysis”,

Says what is refers to “Content Analysis”,

In which channel is refers to “Media Analysis”,

To Whom is refers to “Audience Analysis”

With What Effect is refers to “Effect Analysis”

The Shannon & Weaver Model of communication

The Classical theory

Now, this model is more theoretical than the other models of communication.

Concepts in Shannon Weaver Model

Sender (Information source) – Sender is the creator of the message that is to be sent and in charge of choosing the channel.

Encoder (Transmitter) – Encoder is the sender who uses the machine either in signal or binary data. This can also be referred to the machine itself.

Channel – Channel is the medium used to send the message.

Decoder (Receiver) – The decoder converts signals or binary data into messages.

Receiver (Destination) – Receiver is the person who receives the messages, in other words, the audience. they also provide feedback

Noise – Noise is the physical disturbance which disables the message to be sent exactly the way it is supposed to. Eg: the environment and people.

There are various other theories that shows the different ways of the influence of media towards us, but I am unable to describe it another. In General, Media and Society is like a love story; one effects the other wholly and can both be good or bad. It all depends on those who control them. 



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