Area 51 Jams

Monday 31 July 2017

[Week 4] : Johannes Gutenberg

        Johannes Gutenberg, father of media, An important inventor, and a person who sets a whole new level for technology creation. Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg , German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer and publisher born on 1400 was the creator of the printer. His invention had a huge impact on the Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment era. His first printing was the bible, in which he was able to do the church's work to gain followers. His printing type enabled him to become a publisher in which he was paid riches to print for those with higher power to spread messages. Before the printing of the bible, Gutenberg loaned money as much as 800 guilders from Johann Fust. He was able to print 180 copies of the 42-line bible in 1455 however, in 1456, Johann Fust had accused Gutenberg of misusing the funds. Because of this, Gutenberg's debt had exceeded 20, 000 guilders, in which, the court has sided with Fust and allowed him to take over the bible printing workshop and half of all bibles printed. 

       Gutenberg was drove into bankruptcy but he didn't stop there. He continued to restart his printing works and built a small printing shop, which also printed bibles. However, none of the printing carried out his name or dates in which, he was never publicly known for his publishes. It is believed that the large Catholicon dictionary was printed in his workshop.

       At the moment, the Fust-Schoffer shop was the first in europe to publish the name and date. No credits or mentions was even given to Gutenberg himself. 

       In 1462, during the Mainz Diocesan Feud, Gutenberg was exiled. Gutenberg moved to eltville and started supervising a new printing press belonging to the Brothers Bechtemunze. 

       In January 1465, his hardwork and creation was finally recognized in which he was given an award by Adolph von Nassau. 



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