Area 51 Jams

Monday 18 September 2017

[Week 10] : Video art VS. Advertisements

What is Video Art?

Video art is a form of art that relies on moving visuals and audio. Video art existed between the 1960's and 1970's as during those times, consumer video technology was available to the public.It can be interpreted in various art forms including a visual recording,and installations in art galleries. For installations, it should be included video projections and visual technology as a form of medium.For the broadcasting, video art does not need to have a defined and obvious meaning. The true reason of this form is to let the viewers interpret it themselves. Given is a personal favorite

What are Advertisements?

Advertisements, on the other hand are videos created for promotional purposes. Advertising plays a huge role in various companies. It is a way for the product creators to reach out to consumers. Without proper advertising, A product will not have a proper sale . However, through advertising, a product can gain twice or more sales it already has as the main function of the advertising is to appeal towards the audience. Unlike Video art, advertisements are made to be obvious and to appeal towards people. Otherwise, said product would not achieve what it has aimed. 

Both of these have a huge difference between each other. One is a form of self expression, while another one is a form to reach out to audiences to sell products. Either way, to achieve either of the goals, one is required to have a vast amount of creativity.



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