Area 51 Jams

Sunday 16 July 2017

[Week 2] : Surrealism

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali


Definition: The principles, ideals, or practice of producing fantastic or ludicrous imagery in art, literature, film, and theater by means of unnatural and irrational nearness and combinations

Surrealism is often considered as a cultural and avant-garde art movement dating way back to the 20th-century. The form of art is dedicated into creating a subconscious and over the top from the traditional art techniques.

It is achieved by ridding the normality in the functions and appearance of various objects in our daily lives for Surrealist artists aim to provide psychological truth hidden in reality thus, creating an abstract representation in order evoke realization from the viewer. Highly individualized, the movement depends heavily in the element of the unexpected, which is taken from various different techniques to come upon an image that represent the alienated experience in a war stricken world.



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